Youth Activities

Labor Day Canoe Trip

Each Labor Day, parish youth in 8th grade and older and parents are invited to go on a Canoe Trip on Whitewater River.  After canoeing, everyone heads to Fr. Aaron's cabin to enjoy hamburgers and hot dogs.  A registration form will be shared in late July to sign up.

Retreats and Missions

St. Michael youth are encouraged to grow in their faith by attending retreats and missions.  Steubenville Youth Conference at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio is offered on even years. One Bread, One Cup at St. Meinrad Archabbey is offered on odd years. Both retreats offer a wonderful spiritual experience. 

Since this is 2024, students will attend the Steubenville Youth Conference June 21-23, 2024.

Youth Group

Students in grades 9-12 meet in the youth room in the upstairs area of the mezzanine each night that WNRE is in session. This time is not a structured class but is instead a place where students can hang out, play games, or work on homework. The adult supervisors are there to help mentor students. Evenings end with a Night Prayer from the Divine Office.

Teen Prayer Group

All teens in grades 7-12 are invited to come to Teen Prayer. This group's mission is to unite the teens of St. Michael Catholic Church in fellowship, spiritual growth, and prayer for one another.  On First Fridays, teens meet in the youth in the mezzanine of the gym at 5:30pm to visit and hang out. The group then moves to the church for Adoration and to offer up their prayers to Our Lord. Those who are interested are also invited to drive for pizza to continue the fun.

Contact Jennifer Beyer for more information about any of these events at 317-462-4240 or via email.

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