Wednesday  Night Religious Education (WNRE)

Wednesday Night Religious Education (WNRE) is for grades K-8. It begins with Mass at 6 pm. While Wednesday Mass is not required, we do hope that you can take advantage of this. Life is very busy and we hope that this will give families a chance to slow down and at least spend some time in prayer outside of Sunday Mass. Dinner is served to all WNRE families in the Parish Life Center immediately after Mass. (We do not serve dinner on night that Mass is not celebrated.) After dinner, classes break out to their respective rooms with their teachers. The classroom portion begins at 7:00 pm and ends at 8:00pm.  We hope that parents can be as involved as possible this night and we highly encourage you to consider volunteering on a regular basis to assist with dinner and/or in the classroom. We do ask that you volunteer at least once a semester.

All students planning to be Confirmed in the spring are expected to attend class on Wednesday nights, even if they attend St. Michael Catholic School. 

Fees: $40 for 1 student; $70 for 2 students; $90 for 3 or more students. Fees are due by October 4, 2023.  Registration is online and can be accessed through the link below. Fees can also be paid online through the link below. If you would prefer to pay by check or cash, please place your fee in a marked envelope in the collection basket at Mass or mail to the Parish Office at 519 Jefferson Blvd., Greenfield, IN 46140.

No child is ever denied religious education because of an inability to pay fees. Please contact Fr. Aaron Jenkins or Jennifer Beyer if these fees are a hardship or special arrangements need to be made. No additional fees are charged for the sacraments.

2024-2025 WNRE Schedule
Month Dates
September 4, 11, 18, 25
October 2, 23, 30
November 6, 13, 20
December 4 (St. Nicholas)
January 8, 15, 22, 29
February 5, 12, 19, 26
March 26
April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Other Important Dates
Date Time Event
January 18, 2025 10:00 a.m. First Reconciliation Practice
April 4-5, 2025 6:00 p.m. Passiontide Retreat for Confirmation (REQUIRED)
TBD 6:00 p.m. Confirmation at Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral
April 26, 2025 10:00 a.m. First Communion Practice & Photos
May 3, 2025 10:00 a.m. First Communion Mass
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