Our annual Stewardship Renewal is a wonderful time to evaluate how we are doing as stewards of our time, talent and treasure. Are we giving ourselves to God in prayer and worship? Are we giving to others with our talents? Are we generous with our treasure? Now is the time to assess how we have done over the past year and how we can improve. Make a commitment to be a good steward of your time, talent, and treasure by filling out the commitment card you received in the mail, or pick one up in the church, and submit it on the weekend of September 28-29, 2024.
Be sure to check out this year's Ministry Fair! The Ministry Fair will be held in the narthex after each Mass the weekend of September 21 and 22 and will include volunteers from all of ministries available at St. Michael. See the Ministry Catalog above for a list of parish ministries. There will also be representatives from outside non-profits like the Hancock County Food Pantry, Kenneth Butler Memorial Soup Kitchen, and Disciples of JOY. You are encouraged to chat with the volunteers and find a ministry that suits your interests and abilities. There is something for everyone!
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