Walk With One Initiative

Now that the National Eucharistic Congress has wrapped up, what is the next step in the Eucharistic Revival process? If you attended the Congress, or watched any of the liturgies or events online, you likely heard that we are called to be “Eucharistic missionaries”. What does this mean? As Bishop Andrew Cozzens stated, “Commit yourself to walking with one person. Commit yourself to becoming a Eucharistic missionary, someone who lives deeply a Eucharistic life, and having received that gift, allows themselves to be given as a gift.”


Walk With One is a response to Bishop Cozzens’s call to help you live as a Eucharistic missionary. This initiative invites all of us to walk with just one person and help them grow closer to God. This Spirit led accompaniment is done through a four step process:  Identify, Intercede, Connect and Invite. Imagine how our world would change if every active Catholic answered this call! 


More information and resources to help you get started are available at www.eucharisticrevival.org/walk-with-one


Pilgrimage Highlights

Eucharistic Pilgrimage Seton Route

July 12-14, 2024

Thank you to everyone who took part in our time with the National Eucharistic Pilgrims.  Below are just a few highlights of an amazing weekend! 

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